Categories of Professing Believers

By Joe Butta

Christian Messianic Analysis and Apologetics

In this posting we will explore all those who consider themselves Christian.

Cultural Christians: Those who consider themselves Christian but don’t necessarily belong to a church and may be non-practicing. They are more likely to be liberal on social issues (gay marriage and abortion rights). Generally tend to believe if one is a good person then they most likely will be saved or believe that good people from all religions will/can be saved. They do not believe that the bible is inspired or inerrant in the original manuscripts, but is an ancient and at least a partially obsolete compilation of stories, myths, and philosophy.

Believers in “Churchianity”: Attend church on a regular basis. Believe there is a sanctity to belonging to the “true church” (i.e. the right denomination). They tend to know the Bible better than Cultural Christians but do not read the Bible on a regular basis, and are satisfied to listen and believe what their religious authorities tell them. Tend to be more observers than participants in the challenges posed by the lives of Jesus and St. Paul.

Jehovahs Witnesses: Interpretation of the scriptures is determined by the Watch Tower Society and tell followers that they alone have the proper interpretation of the scriptures. Believe that Jesus did not resurrect rather he was raised as an invisible spirit. They view other Christian denominations as perverting the Gospel since Jesus already returned in 1918. Believe St. Paul was guilty of churchifying Jesus teachings. Believe Christendom was satanically inspired and that this world is beyond redemption therefore; they support no earthly governments. Witnesses believe that the 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel applies to them. They are hostile toward the symbol of the cross and rather picture Jesus on a straight poll. They have no problem with the stipes but a major problem with the patibulum. The movement was invented by Charles Taze Russell who lived from 1852-1916. Their beliefs and their founder are rejected by Orthodox, Catholics, Traditional Protestants, and Evangelicals.

Mormons (LDS): Founded by Joseph Smith who lived from 1805-1844. He believed that the angel Moroni was a resurrected saint who was the son of Mormon the last of the Nephites who were crushed by the Lamanites. These beliefs were according to golden plates that were revealed by Moroni. Joseph Smith believed that there are many gods who are polygamous sealed human beings grown divine. Adam is God the Father. These gods have flesh and bones. These gods take wives to raise up sons and daughters to multiply forever. Jesus was not begotten by the Holy Spirit but rather Adam who became God the Father. Mormons exalt Jesus so that some day he will become equal with God. Mormons deny the doctrine of Original Sin because Adam is God the Father. Those who believe in child baptism must go down to hell. Adam therefore disobeyed the god above him so that he could father Jesus who would redeem all through his death. So this disobedience was not sin. In this the devil became an advisor of the whole affair. Because of this the doctrine of justification by faith is rejected by Mormons. So Mormons are encouraged to have more children and create more potential gods. This purifies Mormons. In turn Jesus was a polygamist who married Mary, her sister Martha, Mary Magdaline and at least another at the wedding feast of Cana. Since others have it all wrong the Mormon priesthood is the only legitimate power that has the right to rule on earth. In Mormonism men become the gods. Mormonism is polytheism. For women to be saved they must be sealed to a man. Due to these beliefs Mainstream Christian groups do not consider Mormons Christians.

Biblical Christians: Biblically literate Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, and Evangelicals who focus on Jesus more than their denomination. They strive not to be just observers but doers. They understand that there is no such thing as a Christian without a ministry. Christians don’t do good to be saved but do good as proof of their salvation bought by Jesus death on the cross. Most likely to be missionaries and consider all those in other denominations who focus on Jesus as their brothers and sisters in Christ.

Messianic Jews: Born into traditional Jewish families (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform) but come to the conclusion after hearing the gospel from Jews who believe in Jesus (Yeshua) and Christians with a Jewish heart or by accepting an offer to read the New Covenant that Yeshua is the Messiah. Although they reject the Rabbinical Interpretation as found in the Talmud and the Mishneh Torah of Maimonidies they worship in a synagogue setting remaining true to the concepts of Biblical Judaism. They afford an environment where non-believing Jews can consider Yeshua as Messiah in a Jewish setting and a place where Gentile Christians from different denominations can worship in unity.

Conclusion: In which of these groups can the practice of Biblical Christianity be exemplified? Biblically, the Book of Acts demonstrates how the Apostles and Disciples (The first followers of the Way) acted after receiving the Holy Spirit. There were no denominations and no buildings dedicated to Christian worship. These Jewish believers and their gentile brothers and sisters converted to a faith they knew was true based on the teachings, healing miracles performed and resurrection of Yeshua. They then put that faith into practice, endured great hardship and persecution from the Jewish religious establishment and the Romans, and subsequently changed the world through the message of repentance and salvation in the one and only Son of God. Which group do you belong to?

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