Why So Many Disputing Churches? Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and “Protestants”

By Joe Butta and Steve Daskal

Christian Messianic Analysis and Apologetics

For Christians, most of us were born into a Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and other Christian denominations. There are far more people who identify as Baptists and “mainstream” Protestant [Anglican-Episcopal, Methodist, Lutheran, Calvinist-Reformed] than there are Eastern Orthodox globally and in the US. The Roman Catholic is still the largest single faith community in the US, and within Christianity globally. Evangelicals are a large body, especially in the US, and growing in Latin America and Africa, but harder to put hard “boundaries” around. Most Baptists are evangelical, and there are Evangelical Lutherans whom most evangelicals wouldn’t acknowledge as evangelical. Then there are the Pentecostal or charismatic churches, which believe that all of the spiritual gifts manifested in the 1st century church still regularly manifest in true churches today – including healing, prophecy, speaking in tongues, etc. Many people lump Baptists, Evangelicals, and Charismatics in with the three main groups of “mainstream” Protestants as all being Protestants, but while they all do share some beliefs, they are as different from each other in practice and theology as Catholics, Orthodox, and Anglican-Episcopal are from each other. Then there are even more “unusual denominations” like the Seventh-Day Adventists.

Evangelicalism is a movement, not a denomination or even a group of denominations. Most evangelicals belong to independent “Bible” or “Community” churches. Similarly, most Pentecostal and Charismatic churches are independent, self-headed churches that do not belong to a denomination, but may form loose associations.  Baptists also are not a single denomination, but a myriad of individual self-headed churches that voluntarily associate with one or more associations or conventions to support missions, seminaries, publications, etc. The Baptist conventions and associations have surprisingly diverse beliefs, but generally agree on the essential concept of adhering to the Biblical example of the early church baptizing only those who are of sufficient maturity to understand the nature of God, the nature of humanity, the reality of sin, and the inability of fallen, sinful people to be reconciled to a perfectly holy God except by divine action.

The “mainstream” Protestant churches are denominational.  There is a national and/or global leadership of a denomination that formulates doctrines, establishes seminaries, ordains and hires clergy, selects liturgy and music, and prescribes rituals.  There are substantial differences between the generally independent sub-denominations [e.g., United Methodist Church vs. Wesleyan Methodist; Presbyterian Church USA vs Orthodox Presbyterian vs Dutch Reformed vs Presbyterian Church of America; Anglican vs Episcopalian; Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod vs Evangelical Lutheran Church of America vs North American Lutheran Church].  The sub-denominations have separated over key issues such as the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility for purposes of salvation of the Bible, ordination of female clergy, and acceptance of LGBT marriage and clergy.

Our parents and the churches they attended sought to teach us to identify with the religious group of our parents.  Most of us, from a young age, were told that our denomination had the truth, and the others were, to varying degrees, had serious errors or flaws. Few of us were taught from a young age to not only understand our own denomination but to understand and fully respect the others as well.  We were rarely taught to recognize the unity in diversity of the church as in the universal church of all believers, and that while we may view our own denomination as “the best” or “the truest,” there were many that shared the same Bible-based beliefs as our own. The critical issue defining genuine Christianity is whether an individual, a church, or a denomination believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original manuscripts, and whether they adhere to the ancient creeds of [lower-case] orthodoxy:  the Nicene, Apostles, Athanasian, and Chalcedonian.

Some of us do not have an in-depth understanding of what our denomination believes and may not have had a chance to compare and contrast it to other Christian denominations. A Christian denomination is one that believes Yeshua (Jesus) fulfilled the Messianic prophesies in the Jewish Bible (Tanakh); born of a virgin, performed healing miracles, proclaimed the New Covenant , was crucified for our sins, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and promised to come again and has forever been one God in unity with the Father and Holy Spirit. Since the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Science) and Jehovah Witnesses do not possess all of these beliefs they are not considered Christians by most orthodox Christians, even though Mormons and Christian Scientists consider themselves to be Christian.

Other than what is stated above where do Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Evangelicals agree? All believe they are apostolic churches. As the Nicene creed declares “I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.” Catholic in this sense means universal, not a specific denomination. Apostolic means that the faith that is declared came from Jesus, was taught and practiced by the Apostles, was recorded in the canonical New Testament Scriptures, and were transmitted through their immediate successors down to us. We can know what was taught and practiced from the New Testament and from the famous Christian historian Eusebius, who wrote in the 4th century concerning the life of Jesus, the Apostles and their successors up to the first Christian Roman Emperor, Constantine. Therefore as we read where denominations agree and disagree, keep in mind if that belief is in fact apostolic.

Salvation: Orthodoxy believes that one must live a holy life [including participation in the Sacraments] to obtain union with God. Catholics believe people are saved through participation in the Sacraments which are channels of grace. Pope Leo XIII declared that salvation came from Christ but through Mary to humanity. Pope Pius IX declared that all saving Grace comes from Christ through Mary. Vatican II declared that Mary was Co-Equal in salvation. However, Pope John Paul II actually disbanded some organizations in the church that claimed this “Co-Redemptrix” role for Mary, and threatened them with excommunication if they didn’t recant. The Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church identifies Mary as “mediator not a source of grace” and “Mediatrix” not “Redemptrix.” Catholicism believes that Justification (Faith in Christ) must be combined with Sanctification (Good Works) so that salvation is earned.

Evangelicals, Baptists, and Pentecostals/Charismatics believe Salvation is the free and unmerited gift of God to man. It is obtained by grace through faith in Christ ALONE, and most affirm that salvation is a one-time, permanent justification that cannot be reversed or lost. Through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, we are rendered acceptable to God and judged righteous (justified) in his sight. Sanctification is the process by which we become Christ-like through prayer, Bible study, worship, fellowship and service.  One’s works are evidence that we’ve been saved and a demonstration of gratitude to God — they cannot save a person, but instead are a reflection of God’s salvation working in that person.

Bible/Scripture: Catholics and Orthodox accept the Tanakh [Hebrew Bible or Old Testament] plus other Deuterocanonical books that are found in the 2nd century B.C. Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible. Evangelicals accept the Tanakh as the Old Testament, but reject the Deuterocanonical books as apocrypha (hidden). The Deuterocanonical books may have value historically, but are not considered inspired.  All accept the New Covenant Scriptures. Orthodoxy believes the one source of divine revelation is tradition. Scripture is the oral part of revelation and the writings of saints and ecumenical councils also constitute part of divine revelation. Catholics believe scripture and tradition constitute divine revelation as interpreted by the teaching authority of the Church, with the Pope having Apostolic authority when speaking in his official capacity. Evangelicals and Baptists believe Scripture alone is the only infallible guide and the final authority on matters of Christian faith and practice. Pentecostal/Charismatic churches believe that Apostolic authority rests upon local church leaders and many of these churches believe that the revelations their leaders declare have equal authority to Scripture, much as Roman Catholics believe about the Popes.

Eucharist/Sacraments: Orthodox and Catholics believe that Yeshua is present in Communion. The bread and wine actually become Yeshua’s body and blood. Orthodoxy denies communion to non-Orthodox. Catholicism denies communion to non-Catholics not baptized into “communicating Churches” such as the Lutheran or Anglican-Episcopal Churches. Catholics believe in transubstantiation whereby the composition of the Host actually changes. Lutherans believe in consubstantiation whereby the Host is spiritually the body and blood of Christ.  Baptists, Calvinists, Evangelicals, and Pentecostals believe Communion is a symbol for us to remember what Yeshua did for us, and all baptized Christians are welcome to take communion.

Orthodoxy and Catholicism believe in Seven Sacraments. Orthodox call the Sacrament of Confirmation Chrismation. The Sacraments convey grace upon those who participate in them. Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, and Pentecostal Christians do not recognize any saving power except in a sincere personal confession of faith in Christ as their Savior (redeemer from sin) and do not recognize sacraments as such.  They recognize two holy ordinances: Baptism and the Eucharist (Lord’s Supper, Lord’s Table). These are viewed as reminders of grace already received commemorated in obedience to Christ’s command and example as recorded in the Gospels and the Book of Acts.

Apostolic Succession: For Catholics and Orthodox this ensures that they follow or trace the church that Yeshua declared. Direct line of leadership succession is unimportant or even irrelevant to Protestants, who focus on following the Biblically recorded teachings of Yeshua and the Apostles, while relying on the writings of the great teachers of their denomination as aids in understanding “difficult passages.”

Clerical Hierarchy:  For the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, there are specific ranks of clergy, beginning with priests, who are overseen by bishops, who in turn may be overseen by archbishops or cardinals.  Cardinals are senior Roman Catholic bishops and archbishops who have been selected to be part of the “College of Cardinals” which advises the Pope and vote to elect a Papal successor.  The “mainstream” Protestant churches have different titles for their local church leaders:  minister, rector, pastor, priest, elder [presbyter] or bishop [episkopos, overseer].  Some Protestant denominations have bishops overseeing local priests/ministers. Baptists, evangelicals, and Pentecostal/Charismatics most commonly use the title of pastor, elder, or bishop as the senior leader of their independent [autocephalous] local churches.

Celibacy of the Clergy: Orthodox priests can marry before ordination, but married Orthodox priests cannot rise to become bishops. Catholic clergy cannot marry except for married clergy that convert to Catholicism. Eastern rite Catholic clergy can marry. The Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches also maintain celibate, highly disciplined monastic orders that live apart from temporal society.  Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, and Pentecostal clergy can marry.  It is also important to note that the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican-Episcopal churches refer to their local church’s spiritual leaders as priests.  Other Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, and Pentecostal churches refer to them as ministers and/or pastors and/or bishops.

Divorce: Orthodox permit it in the case of adultery. Catholics do not recognize it but permit a tribunal to annul the marriage union. Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, and Pentecostal churches discourage it but permit it and remarriage.

Holy Spirit: Orthodox believe the Holy Spirit only proceeds from the Father [they caveat their acceptance of the Nicene Creed as removing the line that states the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son]. Catholics and Protestants believe the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and Son.

Mary: Orthodox believe Mary died but reject the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. They do not believe that Mary was sinless but do believe in her bodily Assumption. Orthodox believe Mary was ever-virgin and is venerated as the God-bearer. Catholics similarly believe Mary was assumed into heaven. In 1854 Pope Pius IX enacted the dogma of the Immaculate Conception whereby Mary was deemed sinless. The dogma of the Assumption of Mary was declared in 1950 by Pope Pius XII. Catholics believe she is the Mother of God and believe in her perpetual virginity. Mary was declared Mediatrix of all graces and Co-Redemptrix of the universe by Pope Pius XII in 1943. Baptists, Evangelicals, Protestants, and Pentecostals believe Mary was born and died like other women, but was a holy woman greatly blessed by God for her faithfulness and obedience. They do not believe that Mary or the departed saints have an intercessory role with Christ, nor do they believe that ANY intercessor is needed for the believer except Christ Himself. They do not believe in the Assumption or Immaculate Conception. Only Yeshua was sinless. Mary was blessed to bear the Son of God; however, she was not ever-virgin and had other sons [and daughters] as stated in Scripture (Matthew 1:25; Luke 2:7; Matthew 12:46-50; John 7:3-5; Acts 1:14) [the Orthodox and Catholics assert that these mentions of Jesus having half-siblings was identifying cousins]. The Protestants declare that St. Clement, St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, St. Bernard, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Pope Leo I all stated that ONLY Jesus was sinless.

Pope: Orthodoxy recognizes the Pope as the Bishop of Rome, equal to other Bishops. They reject Papal Infallibility and Apostolic Authority. Catholics believe the Pope is the head of the Church on earth and has authority over the councils. When he speaks ex Cathedra he is infallible [explicitly according to the First Vatican Council of 1869, but implicitly since the 12th century]. When he creates a dogma it must be believed in the Church. Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, and Pentecostal Christians reject Papal infallibility and believe only the Bible is infallible.

Purgatory: Orthodoxy recognizes a state of existence between heaven and earth but do not believe that it’s a place of purification. Catholicism believes baptized Catholics who die with un-repented venial sins must go to purgatory as part of their punishment until those sins are expiated. Indulgences earned by the living can help free the poor souls in purgatory. Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, and Pentecostal Christians reject the concept of purgatory, noting a lack of any Scriptural identification or description of purgatory, and believe what Jesus did on the cross was the only, necessary and sufficient means to remove human sin.

Saints: Orthodox and Catholics see them as holy people who can be venerated and can act as intercessors between God and man. Catholics additionally believe Saints must be responsible for at least two miracles through their intercession in order to receive canonization. Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, and Pentecostal Christians believe that all saved people are saints and only Christ can mediate between God and man. However, most recognize that the great departed saints provide examples to the modern church of faithfulness, obedience, love, and self-sacrifice and appreciate the writings of many of the earlier great saints like Augustine, Aquinas, etc. as useful to better understand God, mankind’s condition, the role of the church, and other truths of Christianity spelled out the in Bible.

Conclusion: After reviewing what the three principle Christian faith streams believe, where do you find yourself agreeing for the most part? What is true Christianity?  Is it Biblical (determined through interpretation of the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation), Apostolic (determined by Yeshua and the Apostles interpretation of the Tanakh as found in the New Covenant and by the teaching of the Apostles direct successors) or Post-Apostolic (determined by the interpretation of Church leaders who participated in the numerous ecumenical councils from 325 A.D. to present). Regardless of what faith confession one is raised in, people should be free to choose where in Christianity they believe is closest to the truth. The water under the bridge that we must also contend with is the Orthodox assertion that the Catholics departed the true faith by excommunicating the Orthodox after the schism in 1054. The Catholics believe the Orthodox departed the true faith by failing to recognize the authority of Rome as compulsory on all Christians. The Catholics condemned the Protestants [including Baptists and other non-Catholic churches in the West] at the Council of Trent in 1564.

The declarations and anathemas of the Council of Trent related to Justification by faith apart from works, rejection of the Apocrypha and opposition to the granting of indulgences and the existence of Purgatory have never been revoked. The decrees of the Council of Trent are confirmed by the First Vatican Council (1869), the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the official “Catechism of the Catholic Church” 1992.

My advice is that you should make your relationship with Jesus, not with a fallible human leader or man-made institution. Follow Jesus. He alone is your Savior. It is important to be engaged in regular reading of God’s Word, regular prayer to God the Father in the Name of the Son, and regular fellowship with a body of believers in a Bible-teaching local church. These provide the foundation and guidance for a healthy relationship with Christ.  Men and their decrees can be flawed because men are flawed. Don’t let others think for you. Once you have established your relationship with the one true biblical God in prayer have faith that He will guide you and place you where he wants you for his purpose unto His glory.

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